‘The Acolyte’ Episode 5 Review: We (Finally) Have Liftoff

For better or worse, the fifth episode of The Acolyte was destined to be a turning point; the crux for the show’s narrative direction and overarching purpose. One way or another, we were gonna find out where this all goes. And that we did, in a fashion that is thankfully both stylish and sensible… for the most part.

This episode opens strong, and on a heater. We’re treated to a level of brutality unfamiliar to the franchise up to this point pretty much anywhere, as well as an astonishingly expert display of lightsaber combat and choreography.

Truly, this is some of the best stuff in that regard that we’ve seen since the prequels. It’s fluent and emotional, fast-paced and moving. Massive points to everyone that made that happen.

There’s still a general lack of weight to the scene(s), considering the lack of notable characterization across the board. Thankfully, the action is both constant and breakneck, so for most of the runtime, you’re going to have a hard time catching your breath, let alone stopping to think about why everyone is fighting. Just enjoy the ride this time around.

Even still, there’s a distinct lack of innovation in the visuals and dialogue that further holds things back, despite the definite fun to be had. The set just feels restricted, and when pitted against the vast setting of the forest in which the episode takes place, something simply feels missing. The fight scenes are both shot and lit well though, so again, if you’re here for the action, you’ve got a good reason to stay.

The latter half of the episode, especially the end, draws the story out a bit more and provides a bit of promise for something cool to come, even if it doesn’t break any ground. After the last few episodes gave doubt to whether or not the series had any real life at all, episode five confirms that, in the least, it should be able to cross the finish line.

As a final note, and a positive one, there’s one performance here that fully breaks out. It’s one of those that makes the episode, and perhaps even the show, worth watching solely on its own merits. Said performance is a little spoilery, so we’ll avoid specifics, but you’ll absolutely know it and appreciate it all the same.

Interesting conversations about philosophy tie together long-winded battles of brawn and brash physicality; this story, and this show, seem to have finally found footing on solid ground. The point that it likely won’t work for anyone but Star Wars fans still stands, and this episode packed with steep series terminology and saber battles galore furthers that, but those fans have finally been given a good reason to mark Tuesday nights on their calendars going forward. After all, this one is for the fans anyway, even if they’re the ones trying to drag it down week in and week out. Either way, three episodes to go! We’ll see you on the other side of the force (next week).


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